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Today is bittersweet.

I’m saying goodbye to the Lovebug Creations Creative Team after being a part of them for the last year and a half. But, I’m giving myself more time to create art, discover what I want to do when I grow up and focus on making products to sell in my Etsy shop.

I’m so thankful that Kimi Cremar and Pamela Lash, aka Mama Lovebug, gave me the chance to play with their Lovebug Creations Rumple Ribbons and let me shine in my own way. It was so exciting to be a part of their team, to receive new shipments of ribbons and products and to be exposed to their wide audience of crafters. But, more than that, I’m thankful that I gained two new friends who have been so supportive of my creative endeavors and have been among my greatest cheerleaders.

Not only did I just gain two new friends, I also gained other friends. From the lovely girls on the team to the crafters who subscribed and followed my blog and left so many sweet and heartfelt comments. It really kept me going on those days when my creativity was hiding somewhere in my head.

Thank you to all of you who have been a part of this leg of my creative journey. I’m so grateful that you are a part of my life and I hope that I can give back to you what you’ve been so generous in giving to me: inspiration.

So, with that said, I’d like to share my last Lovebug Creations project with you.

ScarletCalliope Thank You Card


I created this Thank You for both Kimi and Mama Lovebug to say Thanks for everything! I used Lovebug Creations Rumple Ribbon in Simply White from the Star Spangled Collection to make the pretty bow.

Thank you for stopping by and thank you so much for your time and your comments. I’ll be updating my blog from time to time with pics from my trips to flea markets, new products that I’m working on and any other inspirational field trips that I think you’ll want to hear about.

Have a wonderfully creative week!


Christine Barker